
[Important] Zip Extractor Android ver 6.0.0 has been released Updated: 2024/6/6

Framework is updated with New version.
Intune Library is updated with Latest version.
The application might be slow while adapting to the new framework. This will be addressed in the future release.

Upcoming Zip Extractor Release: 2024/5/01

There is an update to the existing Framework and Intune.
This will be expected in the May month release.

[Important] Zip Extractor iOS ver 6.0.1 has been released Updated: 2024/4/28

Zip Extractor for iOS has been updated to ver 6.0.1.
Please check the release notes for details.

[Important] Zip Extractor iOS ver 6.0.0 has been released Updated: 2023/5/31

Zip Extractor for iOS has been updated to ver 6.0.0.
Please check the release notes for details.

[Important] Zip Extractor iOS and Android ver 5.0.3 has been released Updated: 2022/6/16

Zip Extractor for iOS and Android has been updated to ver 5.0.3.
Please check the release notes for details.

【Solved】Android Outlook cipherized zip unfreezing problem can not be solved Update date: 2021/8/27

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers

We would like to inform you that the issue of "Outlook on Android devices cannot share attached zip files to another app" has been resolved by a fix in Outlook for Android.

Verify Outlook Version: ver 4.2132.1

In the upper right corner of the error screen displayed when you tap the encrypted zip, a "..." icon has been added.
From here, the "Open with another app" menu will open, so select ZipExtractor.
Thank you very much.

Repost: Android Outlook can't share zip file to another app Updated: 2021/7/6

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers for a long time.
I told you that it has been fixed so that it can be decompressed normally in "Problem that Zip file cannot be shared to another application in Android Outlook" released on July 2, but it is still not possible to share encrypted zip from Outlook to ArchXtract on Android devices.
Sorry for the incorrect information.

However, it seems that it is now possible to pass compressed files other than zip to ArchXtract. (Check out Outlook for Android ver 4.2123.2)
As a result, I was able to confirm that it was possible to decompress the zip by transferring it to the PC once and recompressing it to 7z/tar/gz/rar (without password) as it was zipped.
If you can deal with this method, please try it.
We have confirmed that Microsoft is currently considering the revival of the function to link encrypted zip to other applications.
Please wait for a while until the complete solution is reached.

Notice of Extension of Supported Archive Formats Updated: 2021/7/1

In Zip Extractor ver 5.0.1 (iOS/Android), the supported archive formats other than zip have been expanded.
Please check that files with the extension 7z/tar/gz/rar (without password) can now be decompressed.

Notice of addition of Viewer function Updated: 2021/4/20

Viewer function has been added to Zip Extractor.
You can turn the function on or off on the setting screen.
The files that can be displayed are listed on the product introduction page, so please check them.

Notice of Price Revision Updated: 2021/4/15

We have revised the price of the store version.
In addition, we are planning to make some changes to the contents of the contract.
If you are currently using the service, we will contact you by e-mail with the details, so thank you.